
(자동차) 자동차 사고 본문

간편한 생활영어

(자동차) 자동차 사고

희망연속 2015. 2. 23. 15:37




I got into a pretty bad car accident several years ago.

몇년전 저는 제법 큰 사고를 당했어요.



I was entering an intersection,

교차로로 진입하고 있었는데



but there was a driver that was running a red light from the other direction.

다른 방향에서 정지신호를 무시하고 달려오는 운전자가 있었어요.



he totally came out of nowhere.

정말 난데없이 튀어나온 격이었어요



I don't think he had his eyes on the road.

그는 전방을 제대로 살펴보지 않았던 것 같았죠



We ended up crashing into each other.

결국 서로 충돌했고



My hood was completely smashed in.

제차 앞쪽 보닛이 완전 찌그러졌죠



I decided that my car was a write-off.

저는 제차가 수리불가능하다고 판단했습니다



My car was totaled and had to be scrapped.

차가 아예 못쓰게 되었기 때문에 결국 폐차를 해야만 했죠.



I also got whiplash from the impact,

and had to stay in the hospital for a couple of weeks.

게다가 저는 사고충격으로 목부위를 다쳤고, 몇주간 병원에 입원해야 했습니다.



Fortunately, the costs were all covered by insurance.

다행히 비용은 모두 보험처리 했죠.



