
(택시) 교통이 많이 막히네요 본문

간편한 생활영어

(택시) 교통이 많이 막히네요

희망연속 2013. 8. 16. 17:00

                세계 어느 나라를 가든 교통 막히면 진짜 답 안나오죠.                           



                                       There's a traffic jam.

                               The traffic is bumper to bumper.

                                 We are stuck in a traffic jam.


                                       교통이 많이 막히네요



                                            It's rush hour.




The traffic is bad over there.

저기 교통이 막혔어요



You'll get there faster if you walk from here.

여기 내려서 걷는게 빠르시겠어요




I think there's been an accident.

아마 사고가 난것 같군요



I'll try a different way.

다른길로 가겠습니다





